Sunday, September 28, 2008

Potty Update

Eliana has made the move into wearing undies all day, except nap and overnight. We started on Friday and have had only 3 accidents in 3 days. Not bad! Unfortunately one of them was at church this morning. The couple in the nursery was kind enough to change her and clean it up. She was so close to the potty but couldn't get her pants down in time. Anyway we have Tinkerbelle and Minnie Mouse undies and she absolutely loves them. I'm hoping this week she just keeps getting the hang of it and has more success. Little Jelly Bean is growing up!!!!

I've Decided

After Friday's pathetic debate I have decided to write in a name for President come November. After all that the country s going through, they have NO new ideas or changes to make? Give me a freakin break!!! Normally with a race this close I would choose between one of the two major party candidates but I just can't do it this time. So I may go with my original choice from the primaries or I may just have to vote for the Amy/Jonathan Burns ticket. I would be the President of course. ;)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

End of Summer...Wah!!!!!

Summer is my favorite season, closely followed by Fall so I am only slightly saddened by the cooler temperatures. I will miss those fun days at the beach and all the BBQs though. Anyway we celebrated all of this on Sunday afternoon at Crescent Park with our 2nd annual end of summer family picnic. This park is really beautiful and has a carousel that the kids love. I was proud of AJ for going on it this year! Last year he just chose to observe. Funny how he is so daring with some things and cautious with others. This was followed by,pizza, green salads, pasta salad, brownies and apple pie. Oh and plenty of soccer, football, hide and seek and tackling (nicely of course). And a nice walk along the shore with Grandma where they picked up some shells to bring home. This year we managed to avoid the dreaded poison ivy which was an added bonus!!!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Quotes from my Kids

Eliana: (in a museum looking at the astronomy/space area...there's a painting of Galileo above us) "Is that Jesus?"
AJ: (already in bed) "I'm cold Mommy."
Me: "Do you want an extra blanket?"
AJ: "No, i just need you to lay next to me cause your skin makes me the most warm." (Little heartbreaker!)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Us!

That's right....six years ago today Jonny and I tied the knot and became one forever!!!!! Well I guess it was actually yesterday since we got married on a Sunday. I loved our wedding and wish we could do it (just the ceremony part) again and again. Time goes by really quickly when you're married. And although we've had good and bad times, ups and downs and all of that I still wouldn't want to be married to anyone else. I love you Papi!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Fall Frenzy

So starts September and along with it comes 2 nights a week and every Saturday rehearsing, school starting for AJ this week, parent meetings, field trips, school fundraisers, Jonathan teaching the financial workshop at church and my favorite......the home stretch of the race for the White House!!!!!!!!!!!! I love these conventions and debates and so on. It's all so fascinating and I love it when I can argue and make my case to anyone willing to talk about it. Since my original choice did not make it past the primaries I am having trouble choosing someone who reflects my views. Hopefully it will become clear to me before November.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sorry I'm a Slacker

Where have I been???? I promise to try and post more often. I'm not doing as well as I did when I first started all this in March. New, interesting and thought provoking topics to come!!!!