Thursday, April 30, 2009

You know your son is smarter than you when....

.....He can solve the final puzzle on Wheel of Fortune faster than you can. Last night's answer, "Buckle Up."

It's A.......

BOY!!!!!! Measurements and everything look good and we got some great pictures. In true Burns-baby-in-utero fashion, he moved almost the whole time and I had to change positions at one point so they could get an accurate picture of his heart. Thanks for all the prayers. I am always so nervous before the ultrasound and having your support means so much. Now the name hunt begins!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

It stopped raining!!!!!

So what is there to do in the gorgeous 75 degree weather we've been blessed with?

Go to a puppet show (well that was indoors)
Shampoo all the rugs. (Daddy's job while we were watching puppets)
Wash 2 cars with the help of your kids.
Mow the lawn.
Fill the sandbox and clean off the summer toys.
Blow off the deck and power wash it.
Go walking (me) and running (Jonathan).
Finish cleaning out the garage.

And it's only two o'clock. Time to read on the of my favorite spring/summer activities.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Quotes from my Kids

Eliana: "Grandma can race with us but Dave can't cause he has big feet."
Me: "Where did your bear get his stickers from?"
Eliana: "The dental hygienist."
Me: "Would you like to wear this today?"
Eliana: "Oh this will look really cute on me."

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Can it stop raining please?

At least we had some fun things to do to occupy our time. Check out our cute projects.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Soccer Mania Continues!!!!!!

Signs your child is on the verge of obsession:

1. He comes into your room at 7:30 AM and asks to go outside and practice.
2. He explains to his grandmother that you need to kick the ball with the inside of your foot.
3. You come home from work to find he has gone through the dryer to find and put on his soccer uniform.
4. His almost 3 year old sister tells you she wants shin guards too!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

1st Day of Soccer

AJ started today and it was so great!!!! They did some drills for about 45 minutes and then we met his coach and the rest of his team. He really seems to get it and I can't wait for next Sunday to see the actual 3 on 3 game. Now I know how my parents felt when they watch Chris and I play sports growing up.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Injury Update

Turns out I have tendinitis in my forearm. It's more of an annoyance than anything else but I can't wait for it to go away. I had a dance class tonight and couldn't move my hand/wrist very well because of the ace bandage I'm wearing and that was frustrating as well. Who knew ironing could be so dangerous! It's Jonathan's job from now on.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

He is Risen (indeed)! We've been practicing that with the kids for a couple of days. Yesterday we went to the annual egg hunt at church (and petting zoo, check out the goat eating Eliana's hair) and then colored eggs after dinner last night. After a great church service this morning, we had family and friends over for one of Jonathan's world famous holiday meals. Hope your weekend was as wonderful as ours!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ironing Injury?

Twice a year I take down all my curtains,wash and iron them and wash all the windows. Since we are hosting for Easter tomorrow and I have 2 weeks off from rehearsals I figured I'd try and do at least the downstairs this week. Apparently my forearm muscles are very weak because my right arm is swollen and I can barely pick things up!!! This is very strange and has never happened before. Seriously it hurts to type. Sorry for the weird post!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Big Announcement

We told the kids tonight at dinner about the new sibling they will be getting in September. No one cried and they seemed fine so I'll consider our discussion a success. AJ predicts a boy and Eliana thinks girl. We'll be able to find that out by the end of the month and they seemed excited about it. It got cute and funny when they started suggesting names. AJ chose "Muffin" and Eliana wants "Bumstand".......whatever that is.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Field Trip

AJ's school went to the fire station on Wednesday. We had a great time!AJ coming out of the ambulance. Eliana wasn't so sure about getting out of the stroller so we posed in it in front of the truck.