Saturday, September 26, 2009

He's here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marcus Jonathan Burns was born September 23, 2009 at 8:13 pm and weighed in at 8lbs. 4oz. and is 20 inches long. I had seen my OB earlier in the day and was 4cm dilated. He had a feeling I could go anytime. Just a few hours later while at AJ's soccer practice I had a few contractions and knew this was it! Jonathan rushed to the field and we all got home to meet Grandma. Half an hour later I arrived at the hospital and met Dr. Spurrell who checked me out and informed me I was 7cm. So I sat on the peanut and rocked for about 20 minutes and then was ready to push. Out he came shortly after 8pm and about 45 minutes after I had arrived. Nice and quick just the way I like it! So he is beautiful and wonderful and looks a lot like AJ did when he was born. Lots of dark hair and nice olive skin like the rest of the family! So happy our family of five is complete.

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