Friday, January 2, 2009

Extreme Motherhood

I'm a big fan of 20/20 and since Jonathan is out tonight I plan on giving it my full attention for the title of the program tonight is...."Extreme Motherhood." What is on this list you might ask? Topics being discussed include home birth and extended breastfeeding. WHAT?!?!?! This is extreme? Women have been giving birth at home longer than in hospitals and most women around the globe nurse way longer than the average American. But hey if it's not what mainstream America is doing then it must be weird right? So annoying. Oh and by the way, Happy New Year everyone!


geisme said...

So what did you think of it? I saw another blog-off Sandy's, maybe?, who was A LOT MORE earthy crunchy than you & she said she was pretty disappointed in it.

Amy said...

Well they made it seem like these women were doing something wrong. For example,one mom was still nursing her 5 year old. That's not what I would choose to do but she did so who cares? Why do they have to make a big deal of it? And they made home birth sound like an irresponsible choice, like the mothers were only doing it for themselves and not thinking of their babies. Where the truth is that home birth is fine assuming it's not a high risk pregnancy and besides,it's not like you can't go to the hospital if you need to. So there are 2 examples of my beef with it. The other segments were about women who bought life-like dolls,a few had had miscarriages or never had kids so they apparently found comfort in the dolls and brought them places with them and stuff and they had one about woman who experience orgasm during birth.....who wouldn't want that? :)